Motorcycle Sportsmen of Qld (MSQ) Refund Policy
MSQ will assess all requests for refund with consideration to this refund policy and apply common sense approach to support the Club and Members obligations.
All bookings for MSQ are made via Motorcycle Australia’s (MA) Ridernet application.
- As an entrant, you require a Ridernet ID and valid MA license prior to booking a MSQ event.
- Ridernet charges processing and Credit Card fees in addition to the entry rate or purchases published by MSQ. Ridernet fees are not refundable.
- Ridernet requires any cancelled or withdrawn entries to be refunded. Entries cannot be transferred to another event. (you will need to separately book if you wish to attend another event)
Wet Weather
- All Sporties events will take place even if it rains. It will be your decision if you choose not to participate.
- In very rare cases, if track officials deem the track dangerous due to flooding and/or debris on the circuit, an event may be cancelled.
- If, prior to the commencement of the event, the event is cancelled due to the track officials declaring the track unsafe, you will receive a refund of fees paid.
- The onus of cancellation is on the entrant to withdraw from the event via your login on Ridernet; MSQ will be notified if this is undertaken.
- Refunds prior to the entries closing for an event (typically 10 days) will be for the balance of entry minus fees to the card that the booking was paid on Ridernet.
- If you withdraw, the following apply:
- Medical – if you cannot attend due to a medical reason, please email a copy of the medical certificate to MSQ Manager and a full refund will be completed.
- Timeframes
- More than 10 days from the event – refund minus $25 admin fee
- Less than 10 days from the event – no refund
If you feel you have extenuating circumstances to withdraw from an event and cannot do so by Ridernet, it is at MSQ’s discretion as to whether a refund will be offered. Please email manager@motorcyclesportsmen.